A single lone tree in a blue landscape
A single lone tree in a blue landscape


You can begin to adjust your expectations of yourself and/or others

As the term might suggest, Perfectionism means nothing less than getting it exactly right all of the time is good enough. 

Perfectionism means that you cannot accept an outcome that is “less” than what you were striving for; that if you don’t achieve or fulfil your high standards (or if others don’t) you (they) have failed. Or in other words, anything less than 100% is 0%.

Perfection every time is of course unrealistic and unachievable. Dealing with perfectionism can mean that you take a long time to complete things, or that you often procrastinate out of fear of not getting it right. It can cause you to become controlling. And it will leave you feeling like a failure or constantly dissatisfied with life.

In therapy you can begin to adjust your expectations of yourself and/or others, and you can begin to accept “mistakes” and “failures” as natural parts of existing and even as opportunities to learn and develop.